My momma says that everybody and their dog blogs. I wasn't writing a single solitary thing, but I'm correcting that right now. When momma got me she named me The Pink Party Poodle for Peace, now I guess I'm The Pink Party Poodle for Peace Pontificating. My pontification of the day is to tell you that the purpose of life is to have fun, hee, hee, and chase lizards. I love to chase lizards--never catch them though, they taste like rotten toes.

I'm Thinking

I'm Thinking

Monday, July 9, 2012

Live like someone left the gate open

I Peaches am a happy dog, all dogs are happy unless something terrible happens in which case we are sad dogs. Existential, don’t you think?
Existential—a word I learned from mom, fancy word for being in the moment. Dogs know that—don’t have to be taught.
Joy is lying in the sunshine, chasing lizards. You know what? A squirrel sat right outside the patio door the other day teasing me.  I yapped my head off until Mom let me out, and then I gave that squirrel a run for her money.  I didn’t want to catch the squirrel (well maybe), but the chase gave me goosebumps for half a day.…until a lizard came along, then I started all over again.

Happy lizards, good lizards, give dog fun stuff.

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